Back to school is something most parents look forward to and most teachers possibly fear. But I must admit it is something I do not enjoy myself.
I hate the early mornings and the chaos that is getting out the door on time.
I hate the fact the house is so quiet without my girls and the fact I have worked most of the summer holidays so haven’t spent as much precious time with them as usual.
But most of all I miss them!
Yesterday the weather was lovely, and the light was soft, so we jumped in the car and went off for some impromptu photos.
I’m so lucky that I have two great models and that they are happy for me to use them, but I’m also lucky that I get to capture many memories of my children that we as a family can cherish for ever.
Today I took the obligatory back to school photos. I posted them on social media, as is the norm these days and one of the things that jumped out at me is how much older they are looking now.
I must admit, I had a stop the world I want to get off moment.
Two more years and they will be at secondary school! How did that happen? Where have my babies gone?
I know a lot of people hate the back to school photos that are clogging up their news feeds.
But they must try to remember that these are important recordings of a moment in our lives, something we can look back on to laugh at, cry over, or generally debate in years to come.
Our children are important to us and we feel the need to cherish each moment that we can. We are lucky that we live in an age that that is possible.
It is important to keep taking those photos. To keep cherishing those special moments. To keep storing those memories.
But please be safe in doing so, here are a few tips to posting safe back to school photos!
- Do not post photos with your child’s school emblem in full view.
- Do not tag the school
- Do not state which school they go to
- Make sure your social media settings are set to friends only
One of the best ways to make yourself happy in the present is to recall happy times from the past. Photos are a great memory-prompt, and because we tend to take photos of happy occasions, they weight our memories to the good. – Gretchen Rubin