Today I am going to explain the importance of printing your images and why it is important to YOU.
While on a course with the lovely GraphiStudio a few weeks ago, they were waxing lyrical on WHY everyone should print their photographs and WHY they should use a good quality printing lab.
OK, so Graphi being a professional top of the range printing business, you may think “of course they want people to print, they want the income to keep their business alive.”
But if you really listen to why, it is not really anything to do with business reasons.
It is all to do with the fact that we are living in an era of digital, and we could all be heading towards the digital black hole that Google bosses are trying to warn us about, if only we cared to listen.
This is a very real issue that could be facing any of us within 10 years, maybe even less!
If you are over 20 years old you may all recognise these items – A floppy disk, a VHS video, a record, but how many under 20’s would?
Technology changes so quickly, that that lovely USB or CD that you “really want” to have your images delivered on, “because I can then go and print them cheaper at Boots or Tesco’s” will be obsolete one day.
I was chatting to some IT friends recently, who have already had family and friends approaching them in tears because they have lost ALL the family photos.
Why? – Because the external hard drive they relied on as backup, had come to an untimely end.
“But we have the cloud” I hear you all cry! Well, yes of course, as long as the company you are using does not go bust, or that it doesn’t get hacked.
It is not actually up on “a cloud” you know, it is on a very big, in fact humongous hard drive somewhere on this actual planet. It can still go wrong!
In as little as ten years time you may not be able to print or even look at those beautiful memories that you have built up of your family.
How awful would that be!?!
This is why I have decided to provide each client who books my new collections, with an actual real, hold in your hand photograph of each digital image purchased.
My NEW pricing has taken into consideration that one day you may lose the digital’s you so desperately wanted, and I have therefore backed you up with a print.
What’s more they are printed professionally, so there will be no fading in a few years time.
The colour’s will be correct, as pro labs calibrate their printers on a regular basis to make sure what I see, is what YOU get.
There is nothing worse than walking into a client’s house and seeing your work ruined by cheap printing.
If you are paying good money for a top-quality photographer, why would you not want to show that in top quality printing?
You wouldn’t walk into a 5-star restaurant expecting to be given a McDonald’s burger to eat!
IF, you are thinking to print your images cheaply, I ask you to compare your cheap version to the one that is delivered by me in your print gift box.
I know which I would rather show off on my wall!
Please remember, you get what you pay for and my photography reflects the qualifications and awards that that got me to the high standard that I am today.
It would be unwise for me to give you cheap products when I work so hard to build a quality brand.
In short, there is no guarantee that the computer of tomorrow will be able to read the photos you take today.
With this in mind, I hope you all enjoy the new printed products that I will now be supplying, for many years to come!